WoW! 16 more days! I can't believe it. Just a little over 2 weeks left, and I feel like I have to vomit! The closer I get to my date, the more anxious I get.
I have 6 more days here in Kentucky! This final week is filled with mixed emotions. I loved here, but God knows I'm ready to come home. I hope my boss doesn't give me much to do this last week. I really need to finish working on my thesis defense. Hopefully my advisor will let me defend next week before I leave. If not, I'm not too sure I will remember any of it to defend when I get back. I pray!
This past week, I have been trying to log my hours of Spanish training on Rosetta Stone Online. It's crazy. I try, but 40 hrs before I go is kind of hard. I'm getting ready to leave, and I want to spend most of my time with my family and friends. I know I need to practice! I met some Hispanic guys last week who have been helping me. Juan is from Venezuela, Douglas is from Guatemala, and David is from Spain. They all have been helping me with my Spanish. I tell you . . . I feel better about what I do know. I seem to be getting better in my hearing ability. I still have to listen intensely. I need to stop translating when they are speaking to me.
I called myself trying to pack up some of my stuff yesterday for my trip and for my move back to North Carolina. OMG! I really have to gain some discipline. There is no way I can take all this stuff with me. I'm going to have to cut it down to the basics! I packed 42 pairs of underware! How crazy is that?! When I get home and get the rest of the stuff I have to take with me (sleeping bag, sleeping pd, lantern, sheets, pillow, etc.), I don't know if I can trully pack everything. I'm going to have to send a box of stuff over there before I leave: maybe my underware, socks and some t's (They don't weigh as much as the other stuff.).
Geesh! 16 more days. I'm going to go crazy!
I have 6 more days here in Kentucky! This final week is filled with mixed emotions. I loved here, but God knows I'm ready to come home. I hope my boss doesn't give me much to do this last week. I really need to finish working on my thesis defense. Hopefully my advisor will let me defend next week before I leave. If not, I'm not too sure I will remember any of it to defend when I get back. I pray!
This past week, I have been trying to log my hours of Spanish training on Rosetta Stone Online. It's crazy. I try, but 40 hrs before I go is kind of hard. I'm getting ready to leave, and I want to spend most of my time with my family and friends. I know I need to practice! I met some Hispanic guys last week who have been helping me. Juan is from Venezuela, Douglas is from Guatemala, and David is from Spain. They all have been helping me with my Spanish. I tell you . . . I feel better about what I do know. I seem to be getting better in my hearing ability. I still have to listen intensely. I need to stop translating when they are speaking to me.
I called myself trying to pack up some of my stuff yesterday for my trip and for my move back to North Carolina. OMG! I really have to gain some discipline. There is no way I can take all this stuff with me. I'm going to have to cut it down to the basics! I packed 42 pairs of underware! How crazy is that?! When I get home and get the rest of the stuff I have to take with me (sleeping bag, sleeping pd, lantern, sheets, pillow, etc.), I don't know if I can trully pack everything. I'm going to have to send a box of stuff over there before I leave: maybe my underware, socks and some t's (They don't weigh as much as the other stuff.).
Geesh! 16 more days. I'm going to go crazy!
Alright! Alright! Alright!
25 days to go!
As the clock is winding down, I'm going crazy! There's so much to do! Not enough time!
I have 2 more weeks here in Kentucky to do God knows what, and i have a thesis defense to prepare for. That's right, my thesis defense! I'm suppose to defend before I leave for Guatemala. Is this crazy or what?!
What am I doing?
Did I really sign up for this?
It takes so much work to get ready! I had to total up my expenses for this 2 year stint. Just over $1,000 for all the things I need. I should have been saving! I just pray GOD will help me in my endeavors and make a way for me to get eveything. (AMEN!)
I have read all three handbooks I was given, read over the other materials in my packet, and now I think I need to throw up! The more people ask me about it, the more anxious I get. STOP ASKING!
Now that I got that off my chest: I have been looking at my luggage problem. 2 checkin bags and 1 carry on! That's it, people! My entire life for 27 months, and I get to take a total of 3 bags with weight limits! What kind of BS is that? Seriously? Really? Then I have to actually be able to carry all of my stuff b/c no one will help! WHAT?! I'm going to cry! I can't even pack 1 suitcase for the weekend. This is insane!
I've gotten this far! I just have to relax and pray . . . . and pray . . . . and pray . . . . and pray.
GOD will see me through!
JUST an FYI . . . . I need a muscle relaxer and a day at the spa just to prep for this adventure!
25 days to go!
As the clock is winding down, I'm going crazy! There's so much to do! Not enough time!
I have 2 more weeks here in Kentucky to do God knows what, and i have a thesis defense to prepare for. That's right, my thesis defense! I'm suppose to defend before I leave for Guatemala. Is this crazy or what?!
What am I doing?
Did I really sign up for this?
It takes so much work to get ready! I had to total up my expenses for this 2 year stint. Just over $1,000 for all the things I need. I should have been saving! I just pray GOD will help me in my endeavors and make a way for me to get eveything. (AMEN!)
I have read all three handbooks I was given, read over the other materials in my packet, and now I think I need to throw up! The more people ask me about it, the more anxious I get. STOP ASKING!
Now that I got that off my chest: I have been looking at my luggage problem. 2 checkin bags and 1 carry on! That's it, people! My entire life for 27 months, and I get to take a total of 3 bags with weight limits! What kind of BS is that? Seriously? Really? Then I have to actually be able to carry all of my stuff b/c no one will help! WHAT?! I'm going to cry! I can't even pack 1 suitcase for the weekend. This is insane!
I've gotten this far! I just have to relax and pray . . . . and pray . . . . and pray . . . . and pray.
GOD will see me through!
JUST an FYI . . . . I need a muscle relaxer and a day at the spa just to prep for this adventure!
Ok, so I recieved my official invitation to Guatemala last week.
I have accepted, and now the countdown has begun!
I still can't believe it! I'm going to Guatemala! I have such mixed emotions right now, and I'm not sure how to process it. I'm happy i got the region (Central America) I wanted, but not that thrilled about the country because I wanted Costa Rica. As I process it longer, I do believe Guatemala might be better. It's not as hot there as it is in Costa Rica. It's more of a cool temperature, which means I won't have to use so much Hydrocortisone cream. I know GOD is blessing me, so I really can't complain.
This whole thing is a little bitter-sweet. I had to tell my church family (Elim Christian Fellowship) that afer I come back from Kentucky (May 15 - July 31st), I have 9 days with them and the rest of my family & friends. 9 DAYS! Then I leave for 27months! How crazy is that?! I feel a little cheated! It took almost my entire life to find JESUS, and allow HIM into my heart and life. HE gave me one of the greatest gifts in return, an enormous family where I feel loved from the top of my head to the last piece of skin on my toes. Now I have to leave it all behind.
:-( I do know, though, i am taking all of them with me in my heart.
SO Guatemala!!!!!!
I'm looking at warm to cold weather in a matter of months, and rain for half of the year. My only real problem will be staying warm when it gets cold. i have the tendency to get the shakes when I'm cold for long periods of time.
My next stop is staging, but I have to get ready for it. This means getting my passport processed (my 1st time), filling out my financial paperwork (power of attorney, life insurance, etc), writing my aspiration statement, reading the handbook (all of them), and getting things I need off of the list. Now the list, some of those things are expensive. I didn't realize how much it would be. Just a pair of good water-resistant hiking boots are $105. That's crazy! I pray that GOD answers my prayers, and I am able to get everything on it.
I have accepted, and now the countdown has begun!
I still can't believe it! I'm going to Guatemala! I have such mixed emotions right now, and I'm not sure how to process it. I'm happy i got the region (Central America) I wanted, but not that thrilled about the country because I wanted Costa Rica. As I process it longer, I do believe Guatemala might be better. It's not as hot there as it is in Costa Rica. It's more of a cool temperature, which means I won't have to use so much Hydrocortisone cream. I know GOD is blessing me, so I really can't complain.
This whole thing is a little bitter-sweet. I had to tell my church family (Elim Christian Fellowship) that afer I come back from Kentucky (May 15 - July 31st), I have 9 days with them and the rest of my family & friends. 9 DAYS! Then I leave for 27months! How crazy is that?! I feel a little cheated! It took almost my entire life to find JESUS, and allow HIM into my heart and life. HE gave me one of the greatest gifts in return, an enormous family where I feel loved from the top of my head to the last piece of skin on my toes. Now I have to leave it all behind.
:-( I do know, though, i am taking all of them with me in my heart.
SO Guatemala!!!!!!
I'm looking at warm to cold weather in a matter of months, and rain for half of the year. My only real problem will be staying warm when it gets cold. i have the tendency to get the shakes when I'm cold for long periods of time.
My next stop is staging, but I have to get ready for it. This means getting my passport processed (my 1st time), filling out my financial paperwork (power of attorney, life insurance, etc), writing my aspiration statement, reading the handbook (all of them), and getting things I need off of the list. Now the list, some of those things are expensive. I didn't realize how much it would be. Just a pair of good water-resistant hiking boots are $105. That's crazy! I pray that GOD answers my prayers, and I am able to get everything on it.
My Blog List
Life Sad Thoughts1 year ago
The Circus is in Town10 years ago
Normal to Me, Incredible to Others13 years ago
Becoming the person who "did that"13 years ago
Adios13 years ago