Now my real struggle begins, I teach English classes to my counterparts!! That’s right; they let the girl with the lowest Spanish level possible teach them English. I guess they figure: this is the one place I should really excel. Ha! Ha! Jokes on them, or should I say on me?

Teaching English is harder than teaching Spanish, especially teaching pronunciation. In English, vowel sounds change with different words. In Spanish, it’s the same sound. It’s very difficult to explain why. Most of the time in class, I just focus on how they should say it and try not to explain the rules so much. We seem to be doing well. Despite the fact that we have been on salutations for the last 3 classes, I think they are finally getting the hang of it. I think the class would be easier if they were to recieve it on a daily basis. We just don't have the time. Between regular coffee farming work, office work, computer basics classes, natural disasters programs, meetings, Microsoft Office classes, and the English classes......well you get the point. My goal is for them to at least have the salutations down by the end of the year. Wish me luck!

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