It's funny how just 3 years ago I knew nothing of agriculture other than the fact that it involved farming. Now, I am in Guatemala getting ready to teach coffee farmers better business practices for the next 2 years. My, oh my, how my life has twisted and turned. I never imagined my life like this, and I never thought I would be living in another country.
I wouldn't want to change where I am right now at this moment! It doesn't get any better than this! GOD has truly blessed me!
So to those people of my past who remember that nerdy girl who loved chemistry . . . . I still love chemistry, but I have found my place in the world. Thanks for being a part of my past, and I hope you can be part of my future.
Now the big day is here. The day we transition from trainees to volunteers. After today, we embark on our new journies - some in the east, some in the west, and some in the center. Today we start teaching how important it is to have good nutrition, good business practices, and how small organizations have voice even if they are small.
Today is a brand new day.
SO..... Here is to everyone that's starting their brand new day!
I was on my way to the training center, and I had to swap buses. When I arrived on the second bus, there were a few empty seats so I was happy. There were other trainees on the bus as well. We were talking, and we knew that it was time to hold on to the rails on top of the seats because the road to the center is very curvy. We take our respective places and began our climb to our location at 1800 meters.
We have ridden this type of bus before: red, white, blue and yellow with a large sign that says Anitgua & Guate in bright lights on the front. It normally takes us like 20-25 minutes to get there. What we were not expecting was to magically arrive there in about 15 minutes. Our bus driver seemed to be in a race with himself. He took every turn as hard as he could, and he even rode in 2 lanes. 2 LANES PEOPLE! I don’t know if any of you have every driven up the side of a mountain, but driving at excess speeds is extremely difficult especially on a curvy road. I thought one of my friends was going to be sick. He looked a little red, and his eyes were starting to water. Most of tried to act like we didn’t notice what was going on.
For a brief minute there I felt like I was riding a fair ride. It had all the signs: fast speed, jerking motion, a lot of people, and a scary looking operator. Come to think of it, I was on a fair ride . . . .known as the Magic School Bus.
A few weekends ago, we hiked a volcano named Pacaya. It is suppose to be one of the easier ones. For me, it was a challenge. I attempted to walk up the volcano for about 20 minutes, and then I gave in to temptation and purchased a horse for the rest of the trip up.
For those of you who know me wll, you nw that I have never even been close to a horse before. They scare me! I quickly overcame my fears and hopped my fat butt up on top of the horse, Carmello. He was a smooth walker, and I even learned how to start and stop him. It was one of the most relaxing parts of the trip.
We arrived at this plateau for lunch, and the view was beautiful. It was so majestic and peaceful. After lunch, we started on our adventure of crossing the volcanoe. This means we had to slide down one side covered in ash and rock, and then cross the barren lands to actually come face to face with lava. LAVA PEOPLE!
We got to a spot we were comfortable, and roasted marshmallows and made mini smores! It was a blast. By the end of the trip, we were all exhausted, but it was a great day.
I know words cannot trully do it justice, so I have incorporated a video for your pleasure. I hope you enjoy it!
My Blog List
Life Sad Thoughts1 year ago
The Circus is in Town10 years ago
Normal to Me, Incredible to Others13 years ago
Becoming the person who "did that"13 years ago
Adios13 years ago