Today, like most days here, I prepared to go to work. Before I could leave the house, we had another earthquake. As if the one that happened between 4 & 5 this morning that woke me up wasn’t bad enough, we had to have another one. This one wasn’t as strong as the one earlier, but it definitely lasted longer. It seems, I am getting used to the frequency of the earthquakes here. No matter. Off to work I went, happily, listening to my IPod as I made my way through the streets of my town.
I arrived at work just a little pass 9:30, and greeted everyone in Kaqchikel, “Seqer”. Everyone greeted me back, and it was time to work. I pulled out my laptop, and showed the guys the webpage I designed for them to put on ANACAFE’s website. They loved what I did, and asked me to email it off. “Por supuesto” (Of course), I said. I began to email it, when I was posed with a strange question, “Am I ready to go to the funeral?” At this moment, I froze. Did I hear them correctly? Does my Spanish suck that bad that I’m mixing up words? I wasn’t going crazy. They were asking me if I was going to the funeral. “Who died?” They told me it was one of the members of the auditing council. Oh my God! Did I know him? Obviously, I must have at least met him. “I’m not wearing good clothes for a funeral,” I replied. They told me what I was wearing was fine.
** Picture this: A light brown t-shirt saying “Cuerpo de Paz Guatemala” (Peace Corps Guatemala),
dark brown shorts, some dark brown “Dockers”, and my hair in afro puffs.
Definitely not attire for a funeral, or so I thought. They told me, once again, my clothes were fine. I expressed to them that, in the States, we normally wear black or at least better clothing. They told me that here, it didn’t really matter. What mattered is that you come and pay your respects. (Entonces) I told them I would go for fear of insulting them any further than I think I already did. I hopped in the back of the pick-up with the rest of my counterparts and off we went. The entire drive there, I was thinking:
What am I doing? I don’t even like funerals in the States. Who is this guy? What was his
name again? I really hope I don’t stand out any more than I do as an American. Are people
going to expect me to be sad? Maybe I’ll wear my shades. Today was the perfect day to wear
my glasses and not my contacts. I can keep my prescription shades on the whole time. How
long are we going to stay? Oh no, we are here…..
We hopped out of the truck, collected money for the family from everyone, and began our 15 minute hike through a narrow trail way to the house. It was almost strictly uphill, so I pulled out my inhaler, took a puff, and tried to keep up with the guys. This was definitely one of those times where I wished I would have kept up my walking routine I had established in training. Any who! We made it to the house. “Con permiso”, we all proclaimed as we entered into the viewing area. Each of us knelt down on the ground in front of the coffin, said a prayer, made a cross in front of our body like Catholics, rose to our feet, and found a seat. Now seats out in the “aldeas” can be made out of anything. We were lucky (I guess). The family left a long bench-like area made out of pieces of wood available for us because we were members of the cooperative. I sat down, praying, my heavy self wouldn’t break the flimsy wood. Thank God! All was well on the bench as we waited for, what I thought would be, the ceremony to begin.
As we waited, I looked around the room of somber. There were tears in many eyes, but the room was almost completely silent. Then an older man came in bringing a human-size cross made out of wood with him. He knelt in front of the coffin, like so many did before him, holding on to the cross for stability. He rose to his feet, and began to put the cross next to the coffin. I looked at the man along with everyone else as he attempted to adjust the cross. Although, I think I was more concerned with him knocking over the candles that were on the ground in front of the coffin with his highly flammable clothes he was wearing. I just knew he was going to catch fire. I don’t think I could have taken an incident like that very well. In the end, some other guys moved over to help him, and the candles were picked up and put back to where they belonged.
Then silence broke. The president of my cooperative was standing in front of everyone making a speech.
“Good morning, everyone! Thanks to God! My name is ….. We worked with us at …. …. …. This
is our (gringa) from (Estados Unidos). Her name is Shani. …. …. ….”
What in the world?! Why was he introducing me? This is a funeral; not a meet & greet! Oh, I am so embarrassed. After his long spiel, I looked up, and realized that almost everyone in my group was crying. These are very macho men. They act as if nothing bothers them, but there they were crying. I don’t mean just a few tears rolling down their cheeks. I mean seriously crying. I was in awe. I really didn’t expect that. I knew the women would cry; but the men too? I don’t have anything against men crying, I was just shocked by it. And just when I thought that was strange enough, a man got up and opened the window-like front of the coffin to see the guy inside. Everyone got up and rushed the coffin to see the dead man. Why are they so intrigued by death? The man was hit by car! Let him rest in peace. Some even touched him. Several of my guys went up as well. I stayed in my seat. There was no way I was going up there. I just couldn’t do it.
Finally, it was time to go the cemetery. The widow came out from the back, and sobbed a little with the guys and then told them to make sure they come back to the house before they leave. We began our 10 minute walk, again uphill, towards the cemetery. The guys walked even faster this time. I could barely keep up. Eventually, I had to stop for another puff of my inhaler. Some of the guys realized I wasn’t right behind them and stopped to wait for me. I caught up with them and apologized for my turtle-like walking abilities. They laughed, and we kept going towards the cemetery.
Let me just pause right here to say that walking on a wooded trail in shorts …. Not the best
idea. I was eaten up by mosquitoes, gnats and whatever else was in those woods waiting to
feast on my meat. Plus, I ran into some bushes that were not so kind to my legs. They left me
itching for the rest of the day.
We made it to the cemetery, where there were men taking turns digging the grave. I asked them how deep the grave was, and they replied, 3 meters. That’s almost 10 feet! I told them that in the States, it’s only 6 feet for burial. They thought that was a little bit shallow for a grave. Moving on! The son of the dead man began to talk about his father and how much he loved working with guys of the cooperative. Then he proceeded to ask the president of the cooperative if he would say a few words. Of course the president obliged, and again he went on introducing himself, talking about the cooperative, and last, but not least, introduced me. Again with presentation?! The son’s attention immediately focused on me. I felt very uncomfortable. Why is he staring at me so hard? Do I have something on my face? Am I standing in the wrong spot, like on another grave? Oh God, no! I’m not standing on a grave. Then it all became clear after the president finished. The son asked me if I would say a few words. Oh no! This can’t be happening! What do I say? My Spanish is not good enough for this! I’m not only going to embarrass myself, but I’m going to embarrass my guys as well. How could this happen? Ok. Deep breaths! You can do this!
“Buenos días a todos. Seqer. Yin nubi Shani. (Kaqchikel). I apologize, but my Spanish is not
that good. I’ve only been studying for the past 6 months. Thanks to God for everyone being here.
I’m sorry for his death. I didn’t work with your father much, but he was a good man. I hope your life
will be ok after this.”
I couldn’t believe it. I said all of that with my crappy Spanish. A couple of other guys said some things, and then we made our way back to the house. As I walked down talking to the guys in Spanish, some were trying to talk to me in English and some were trying to teach me more words in Kaqchikel. Wow! A trilingual conversation! How strange, yet fun. We went back to the viewing area, and the widow offered us lunch. It was Puliqui, a corn based soup. My stomach was hurting from taking some medicine earlier. I didn’t want an accident while I was out, so I chose not to eat. I told them I would take some with me. I didn’t want to offend anyone. I ended up giving my soup to a little girl. She was very happy. We finished eating lunch, and then said our despididas (goodbyes). We walked back down the road to the pick-up and made our way back to town. On the ride home I thought:
This was an interesting day. My first funeral in this country. Two earthquakes this
morning. Pressing bathroom issues all day. Yet, I made it through. Boy am I tired. Time to
go home and rest. Yep that’s what I’ll do. I wonder if I have enough food for tonight. We’ll see.
All in all, “ya termino”. (I’m finished.)
I arrived at work just a little pass 9:30, and greeted everyone in Kaqchikel, “Seqer”. Everyone greeted me back, and it was time to work. I pulled out my laptop, and showed the guys the webpage I designed for them to put on ANACAFE’s website. They loved what I did, and asked me to email it off. “Por supuesto” (Of course), I said. I began to email it, when I was posed with a strange question, “Am I ready to go to the funeral?” At this moment, I froze. Did I hear them correctly? Does my Spanish suck that bad that I’m mixing up words? I wasn’t going crazy. They were asking me if I was going to the funeral. “Who died?” They told me it was one of the members of the auditing council. Oh my God! Did I know him? Obviously, I must have at least met him. “I’m not wearing good clothes for a funeral,” I replied. They told me what I was wearing was fine.
** Picture this: A light brown t-shirt saying “Cuerpo de Paz Guatemala” (Peace Corps Guatemala),
dark brown shorts, some dark brown “Dockers”, and my hair in afro puffs.
Definitely not attire for a funeral, or so I thought. They told me, once again, my clothes were fine. I expressed to them that, in the States, we normally wear black or at least better clothing. They told me that here, it didn’t really matter. What mattered is that you come and pay your respects. (Entonces) I told them I would go for fear of insulting them any further than I think I already did. I hopped in the back of the pick-up with the rest of my counterparts and off we went. The entire drive there, I was thinking:
What am I doing? I don’t even like funerals in the States. Who is this guy? What was his
name again? I really hope I don’t stand out any more than I do as an American. Are people
going to expect me to be sad? Maybe I’ll wear my shades. Today was the perfect day to wear
my glasses and not my contacts. I can keep my prescription shades on the whole time. How
long are we going to stay? Oh no, we are here…..
We hopped out of the truck, collected money for the family from everyone, and began our 15 minute hike through a narrow trail way to the house. It was almost strictly uphill, so I pulled out my inhaler, took a puff, and tried to keep up with the guys. This was definitely one of those times where I wished I would have kept up my walking routine I had established in training. Any who! We made it to the house. “Con permiso”, we all proclaimed as we entered into the viewing area. Each of us knelt down on the ground in front of the coffin, said a prayer, made a cross in front of our body like Catholics, rose to our feet, and found a seat. Now seats out in the “aldeas” can be made out of anything. We were lucky (I guess). The family left a long bench-like area made out of pieces of wood available for us because we were members of the cooperative. I sat down, praying, my heavy self wouldn’t break the flimsy wood. Thank God! All was well on the bench as we waited for, what I thought would be, the ceremony to begin.
As we waited, I looked around the room of somber. There were tears in many eyes, but the room was almost completely silent. Then an older man came in bringing a human-size cross made out of wood with him. He knelt in front of the coffin, like so many did before him, holding on to the cross for stability. He rose to his feet, and began to put the cross next to the coffin. I looked at the man along with everyone else as he attempted to adjust the cross. Although, I think I was more concerned with him knocking over the candles that were on the ground in front of the coffin with his highly flammable clothes he was wearing. I just knew he was going to catch fire. I don’t think I could have taken an incident like that very well. In the end, some other guys moved over to help him, and the candles were picked up and put back to where they belonged.
Then silence broke. The president of my cooperative was standing in front of everyone making a speech.
“Good morning, everyone! Thanks to God! My name is ….. We worked with us at …. …. …. This
is our (gringa) from (Estados Unidos). Her name is Shani. …. …. ….”
What in the world?! Why was he introducing me? This is a funeral; not a meet & greet! Oh, I am so embarrassed. After his long spiel, I looked up, and realized that almost everyone in my group was crying. These are very macho men. They act as if nothing bothers them, but there they were crying. I don’t mean just a few tears rolling down their cheeks. I mean seriously crying. I was in awe. I really didn’t expect that. I knew the women would cry; but the men too? I don’t have anything against men crying, I was just shocked by it. And just when I thought that was strange enough, a man got up and opened the window-like front of the coffin to see the guy inside. Everyone got up and rushed the coffin to see the dead man. Why are they so intrigued by death? The man was hit by car! Let him rest in peace. Some even touched him. Several of my guys went up as well. I stayed in my seat. There was no way I was going up there. I just couldn’t do it.
Finally, it was time to go the cemetery. The widow came out from the back, and sobbed a little with the guys and then told them to make sure they come back to the house before they leave. We began our 10 minute walk, again uphill, towards the cemetery. The guys walked even faster this time. I could barely keep up. Eventually, I had to stop for another puff of my inhaler. Some of the guys realized I wasn’t right behind them and stopped to wait for me. I caught up with them and apologized for my turtle-like walking abilities. They laughed, and we kept going towards the cemetery.
Let me just pause right here to say that walking on a wooded trail in shorts …. Not the best
idea. I was eaten up by mosquitoes, gnats and whatever else was in those woods waiting to
feast on my meat. Plus, I ran into some bushes that were not so kind to my legs. They left me
itching for the rest of the day.
We made it to the cemetery, where there were men taking turns digging the grave. I asked them how deep the grave was, and they replied, 3 meters. That’s almost 10 feet! I told them that in the States, it’s only 6 feet for burial. They thought that was a little bit shallow for a grave. Moving on! The son of the dead man began to talk about his father and how much he loved working with guys of the cooperative. Then he proceeded to ask the president of the cooperative if he would say a few words. Of course the president obliged, and again he went on introducing himself, talking about the cooperative, and last, but not least, introduced me. Again with presentation?! The son’s attention immediately focused on me. I felt very uncomfortable. Why is he staring at me so hard? Do I have something on my face? Am I standing in the wrong spot, like on another grave? Oh God, no! I’m not standing on a grave. Then it all became clear after the president finished. The son asked me if I would say a few words. Oh no! This can’t be happening! What do I say? My Spanish is not good enough for this! I’m not only going to embarrass myself, but I’m going to embarrass my guys as well. How could this happen? Ok. Deep breaths! You can do this!
“Buenos días a todos. Seqer. Yin nubi Shani. (Kaqchikel). I apologize, but my Spanish is not
that good. I’ve only been studying for the past 6 months. Thanks to God for everyone being here.
I’m sorry for his death. I didn’t work with your father much, but he was a good man. I hope your life
will be ok after this.”
I couldn’t believe it. I said all of that with my crappy Spanish. A couple of other guys said some things, and then we made our way back to the house. As I walked down talking to the guys in Spanish, some were trying to talk to me in English and some were trying to teach me more words in Kaqchikel. Wow! A trilingual conversation! How strange, yet fun. We went back to the viewing area, and the widow offered us lunch. It was Puliqui, a corn based soup. My stomach was hurting from taking some medicine earlier. I didn’t want an accident while I was out, so I chose not to eat. I told them I would take some with me. I didn’t want to offend anyone. I ended up giving my soup to a little girl. She was very happy. We finished eating lunch, and then said our despididas (goodbyes). We walked back down the road to the pick-up and made our way back to town. On the ride home I thought:
This was an interesting day. My first funeral in this country. Two earthquakes this
morning. Pressing bathroom issues all day. Yet, I made it through. Boy am I tired. Time to
go home and rest. Yep that’s what I’ll do. I wonder if I have enough food for tonight. We’ll see.
All in all, “ya termino”. (I’m finished.)
This past week, all the volunteers of my training class (#124) got together again at our main office for what is known to us as "Reconnect". Many of us are spread out across Guatemala, so we don't get too many chances to see each other. This was a chance for all of us to get together and discuss our feelings about the last 3 months in our sites (whether we are doing good or bad, challenges we are facing, and ideas to help others). In my site, I’m very happy. I live in a “Zona Urbana”, which means no crazy long walks just to get home. For the most part, I have paved roads in town, and I can buy groceries at a supermarket if I want. Most of the time, I go to the market because the prices are cheaper and the fruits and vegetables are super fresh. I pretty much buy watermelon at least 2 times a week. It’s so good. At work, I am happy to work with my guys out in the coffee fincas. I have learned so much from them in such a short amount of time. I feel so blessed to have a job where I learn from them as much as they learn from me, if not more.
It’s funny taking this time to reflect on the last three months. We’ve been here for 6 months now! I wonder how I will be at the year mark, or the 2 year mark. Time is flying by. I was just talking to my brother the other day about how I can’t wait for my sister to come and visit. I want to show her Guatemala! I am officially a resident of Guatemala. I know I am because I can show someone else around comfortably. I could not have done this 3 months ago or 5 months ago. I am very proud to know that I have acclimated to my surroundings. I take pride in the department and town I live in. I’m quite sure I will be even more hard core by the time I am set to leave this beautiful place.
The rest of the week, some of us who Spanish skills were not that high at the end of training had to come for Spanish classes. I was very excited about this because I love Spanish classes. I’m doing better now than at the end of training, but people in my site do not correct my bad Spanish like teachers do. Most of the time in my “aldeas”, they speak broken Spanish like I do. They mostly speak their Mayan language of Kaqchikel. Unfortunately, this week I have been really sick. I could not finish out my Spanish classes. I have the “gripe”. In English, I have a cold. I have the worst cough I have had in years. I think it’s so bad because I can’t really breathe on top of the coughing. Needless to say, I have been in bed resting as much as I can. Hope to be back at 100% by Monday.
Here's a copy of the poem that got me to this part of the adventure in my life. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
The month of February is known for Valentine’s Day to most of my Guatemalan brethren, but this year we taught my host family what it means to Black people in the U.S. It’s our month to celebrate our people, and the accomplishments and achievements throughout all parts of history. Making up less than 10% of all volunteers in this country, we decided to have a Black History Month Reunion to celebrate us.
The first two to arrive were “Pa Pa” and “T-T”. My host family thought they were my real family. I had to explain to them that they were other volunteers like me. I guess they thought I was the only one. We hung out with my host family for awhile. We jumped rope, even double-dutch. It was a blast! Pa Pa and I went to get some more items to make our meal for the evening. When we returned, T-T had all three kids peeling potatoes to make potato salad. I just smiled. They were really interested in how we cook and what we cook. What I found very satisfying was Rigo (my host brother who’s about 7 or 8) intensely watching Pa Pa cook. Gender roles here are so formal at times. I assume, he has never seen a guy cook before. I know, in his house, his mom cooks all of the meals. Pa Pa really can cook. He even surprised me.

Later on in the day, several more volunteers arrived (Ya Ya, AJ, Serg, D-Man, JB, Sid). Now we were having a party. Just for clarification, it wasn’t just black people at the party as you can tell from the photos. Ya Ya is Mexican, AJ is Jewish, and I’m British West Indian, Black and White. We didn’t discriminate. We discussed our culture and how things have changed, we danced and showed AJ how to “Rock Her Hips”, and we ate homemade mac & cheese, BBQ fried chicken, potato salad, and (of course) watermelon. I think we ate 4 or 5 watermelons in total. They are really good here.

The next day, we just all hung out. We sat and talked some more. Pa Pa combed out my hair so I could have an afro. We listened to Gospel music while we cooked breakfast (beans, tortillas, eggs with cheese and turkey). It was a great day. My host family came over and asked if we danced a lot in the States. Of course, we told them yes. We watched the Book of Eli, which meant so much to some us in more ways than I can count. We baked chicken and rice with corn, and we played Black musicians & artists’ trivia.
I’ve included the questions asked. See if you can answer them:
1 Born Curtis Jackson in Queens, NY, who am I?
2 These guys, Mike McCary, Nate Morris, Wayna Morris, and Shawn Stockman, made up what group?
3 What duo group started out competing against each other in an East Point, GA high school?
4 Born Freda Josephine McDonald, I was the most famous black entertainer of Europe in the 1920's thanks to my skimpy costumes. Who am I?
5 Nick named Satchmo and born in New Orleans, he was one of the greatest jazz musicians in history.
6 I am known as the "Queen of Hip Hop and R&B" thanks to my good friend Puffy.
7 Born in South Carolina, I influenced the "King of Pop" thanks to my gospel-tinged, rhythm and blues songs.
8 This raspy-voiced Brooklyn rapper started his career in the 90's as a member of the group "Leaders of the New School".
9 Blinded at age seven, he was banded from his own state for several years before he was asked back and honored with one of his songs used as the state anthem.
10 Born in Kannapolis, North carolina, this musician pioneered the funk style of rock in the 70's with his band "Parliament-Funkadelic".
11 This famous jazz pianist was internationally known for his smooth, velvety voice singing "Unforgettable".
12 The most famous jazz saxophone born in Hamlet, NC who played with Miles Davis.
13 Artis Ivey Jr received a grammy for his song in Dangerous Minds
14 Popular singer and stage & film actor who started touring with his family's troupe, the Will Mastin Trio, at age three.
15 Earl Simmons, a hard core rapper, revived the strength of Def Jam Records.
16 Cordozar Broadus became famous after appearing on 1992's The Chronic album.
17 Grammy Award-winning songwriter, producer, and singer who is considered one of the most powerful behind-the-scenes players in the music industry, and is known for writing silky, romantic ballads like Boyz II Men's "End of the Road".
18 Virginia born, one-woman hip-hop media machine whom can't stand the rain.
19 Born in memphis, Tennessee, she is known as the "Queen of Soul".
20 Hip-hop group that cleverly combines rap, R&B and reggae sounds.
21 Grammy Award-winning singer, songwriter and instrumentalist who was one of Motown's most successful recording artists and is remembered for his sensual delivery and collaborations with Tammi Terrell.
22 This former boxer and U.S. Army soldier opened his own record store and produced recodings of his own songs in Detroit during the 50's.
23 Rock musician and guitarist best known for his masterful maneuvering of the electric rock guitar.
24 This hip-hop artist appeared on "As The World Turns", "King of the Hill", "Sister Act 2", and "Restaurant".
25 This Brooklyn-born singer, dancer, and actress performed at Harlem's Cotton Club singning "Stormy Weather".
26 Known as Lady Day, Eleanora Fagan, performed with numerous bands in the 30's and 40's with jazz musicians like Count Basie and Artie Shaw. One of her most famous songs was "It Had to Be You".
27 Grammy Award-winning pop singer and actress known for her remarkable vocal range and powerful, gospel-inspired ballads. Her performance of the national anthem at the Super Bowl is one of the most rememarable performances.
28 Born O'Shea Jackson, this rapper went from being an innovative and controversial rapper to being a famous movie star, and has made his own films.
29 Born Tracy Marrow, this former L.A. gang member and U.S. Army Ranger went from gangster rapper to actor with a recurring role on Law & Order: SVU.
30 This Gary, Indiana Grammy Award-winning pop-funk singer whose soft, sexy singing often takes a back-seat to her athletic, energetic dancing and artistic videos.
31 This New Orleans born gospel singer was known for her deep, smooth gospel songs and her close work association with Dr. martin Luther king, Jr.
32 This superb dancer and pop singer often conveyed an andogynous image and an ambiguous sexuality while his appearance has changed drastically through the years.
33 Jeffrey Atkins launched his solo debut album, Venni, Vetti, Vecci, in 1999 with "Holla Holla".
34 Shawn Carter's Reasonable Doubt started his career in 1996.
35 This Chicago born music executive became famous for composing the score for "The Wiz", producing Michael Jackson's chartbuster albums, establishing Vibe magazine, and forming Qwest Broadcasting.
36 Born Riley B. King in Mississippi, this Beale Street Blues Boy was a famous blues guitarist who introduced the blues to pop audiences in the late 60's and early 70's.
37 Born Dana Owens, All Hail the Queen was her first album, but now she is known for her acting skills like in "Hairspray".
38 Kimberly Denise Jones born in Brooklyn, NY had "No Time" when she was felt up by Diana Ross at the 1999 MTV Video Awards.
39 Born in Champaign, Illinois, Christopher Bridges' "Southern Hospitality" started out as a DJ in Atlanta.
40 "The ghetto is Trying to Kill Me" moved this "No Limit" soldier, Percy Miller, to the top of the charts in 1991.
41 Dante Terrell Smith hit the music scene in the late 1990s, first gaining attention for the underground hit "Universal Magnetic" and joining Talib Kweli to form the group Black Star
42 Born Nasir Jones as the son of jazz trumpeter Olu Dara, he first came to the attention of hip-hop fans when former 3rd Bass member MC Serch used his "Half Time" on the soundtrack of the movie Zebrahead.
43 Cornell Haynes Jr. 's "Pimp Juice" came after his band-aid cheek kept him in media news. Now he's a minority owner of the NBA's Charlotte Bobcats
44 Under Bad Boy Records, this "Big" producer produced the hit "What's the 411?" before he was "Ready to Die".
45 This influential musician whose music combines elements of rock, pop and funk was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota. His music has an erotic grind and sexually orientated lyrics that makes this just under 5 feet artist the only male artist to wear heals and rock them harder than females.
46 This "Porgy and Bess" Broadway songstress made her operatic debut in Tosca in 1955. In 1961, she made her Metropolitan Opera debut as Leonora in Verdi's II Trovatore. She is known as one of the greatest soprano opera singers in history.
47 Born William Robinson, this Grammy Award-winning singer and song-writer known for his falsetto voice and as a premier song-writer with more than 4,000 songs to his credit including some from his band "The Miracles".
48 Starting out as a dancer in Digital Underground, he started his solo career in 1992 and starred opposite Janet Jackson in Poetic Justice.
49 Eunice Kathleen Waymoa was a sultry chanteuse whose difficult-to-classify music combined jazz, clasical, folk and gospel music. One of her most famous songs was "I Put a Spell on You".
50 The first rapper to receive a Grammy, he put aside his music career for a very successful acting career.
51 Born Anthony Terrell Smith, this 1980s rap pioneer was the second rap act ever to reach #1 on Billboard's album charts. His hits include "Wild Thing" and "Funky Cold Medina".
52 Annie Mae Bullock appeared in Mel Gibson's movie "Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome" after her album "Private Dancer" was released.
53 This NYC R&B singer first found his niche in the music business by singing backup vocals for stars such as David Bowie, Ringo Starr, Barbra Streisand, and Donna Summer. He topped the charts with songs like "Never Too Much" and "Power of Love".
54 This Atlanta born rapper and producer was raised in Chicago and almost lost his life to a severe car accident before making it big with his solo career in 2004.
***Answers are on the "Photo" page in the sidebar.
Have you ever stood in the middle of a place and felt connected to a history so long in the past, yet right there in front of your face?
Yesterday, I stood in the middle of some Mayan ruins and felt an energy I couldn’t explain. I was looking into the lives of the people who were here before my bloodline existed, and it was exciting.

I truly had a great time here, and I can’t wait to show my sister how this place is so beautiful. She will love it.
(F.Y.I. ~ There are more photos of the ruins on the "photos" page. Enjoy.)
This past weekend I went to my host family's house in SAAC. I love to visit them. They really treat me like part of their family.
When I got there, they were prepping the food to make tamales. Now this is an every Saturday morning event. They start early in the morning making the tomato sauce and corn mix. I'm still not sure how those two are made. When I lived there, I never go up early enough to see; and now when I visit, I never arrive early enough. Although, this time, I got there around the time they were cooking the corn mix. Of course as a member of the family and a female, I had to help in the preparations. I stirred the corn meal-mix, while my host sister added the water and salt. It's not easy mixing over an open flame. Sometimes, the smoke gets into my eyes. They burn! After we are done with the corn mix, we prep the table to begin making tamales. We make a bowl of tomato sauce and a bowl of the corn mix. We have a bowl of banana leaves and a pile of corn stalks (also known as "petate").
**Take 2 banana leaves and lay
them flat on the table, placing
one inside the other.
**Put one scoop of tomatoes and
one scoop of corn mix in one
banana leaf.
**Mix the two together
or beef
**Fold the first banana leaf so the
mix does not come out
**Then flip the first banana leaf
over inside of the second
banana leaf
**Take a a corn stalk and pull it
apart so you have long strip
**Tie the the corn stalk around the
banana leaves
**Place in large pot of 1/4 hot water
add more water to the pot
**Place several plastic bags over
the top of the to act as a lid
That's a lot of work! It normally takes majority of the day to get everything done. With an extra hand helping, we were able to get done after a few hours.
My Blog List
Life Sad Thoughts1 year ago
The Circus is in Town10 years ago
Normal to Me, Incredible to Others13 years ago
Becoming the person who "did that"13 years ago
Adios13 years ago